

Though data from orbiters have suggested presence of ice, the exploration of 月の craters in the polar regions of moon has not been possible due to the absence of suitable technology to power 月の rovers in the perpetually dark, super cold areas having a temperature of –240°C. The project PHILIP (‘Powering rovers by High Intensity Laser Induction on 惑星’) commissioned by European スペース Agency is ready to develop prototypes that would provide laser power to these rovers in an effort to explore evidence of existence of in these craters.


However, there are sunken areas in craters situated in the polar regions of moon that never receive sun-light because low angle of sunlight that leave the deep interiors of the craters in shadow forever. This perpetual darkness in the polar craters make them super cold in the range of –240°C corresponding roughly to about 30 Kelvin i.e. 30 degrees above absolute zero. The data received from the 月の orbiters of ESA, ISRO & 米航空宇宙局(NASA) have shown that these permanently shadowed areas are rich in hydrogen, suggestive of presence of (ice) in these craters. This information is of interest for science as well as a local source of ‘and oxygen’ for future moon human habitation. Therefore, there is a need of a rover that could go down to such craters, drill and bring sample for testing to confirm presence of ice there. Given 月の rovers are usually solar powered, this has not been achieved so far because it has not been possible to ensure power supply to rovers while it explores some of these dark craters.


レーザーを使用してドローンに電力を供給し、ドローンを長期間空中に維持するという報告からヒントを得て、プロジェクト フィリップ (‘Powering rovers by High Intensity Laser Induction on 惑星’) was commissioned by European スペース Agency to design a complete レーザー駆動 探査ミッション。

The PHILIP project is completed now and the ESA is one step closer to powering 月の rovers with lasers to explore the super cold dark 月のクレーター 極の近く。

ESA would now begin to develop prototypes for exploring the dark craters that would provide evidence for confirmation of the presence of (ice) leading to realisation of human dream to inhabit this satellite.



欧州宇宙機関2020。有効化とサポート/宇宙工学と技術。 月の暗い影を探索するためのレーザー駆動のローバー。 14年2020月XNUMX日投稿。オンラインで入手可能 http://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Engineering_Technology/Laser-powered_rover_to_explore_Moon_s_dark_shadows 15年2020月XNUMX日にアクセス。


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