


あさごはん は「その日の最も重要な食事」であるとよく信じられており、健康に関するアドバイスでは、健康を維持するために朝食を抜かないように勧めています。朝食は代謝を促進すると考えられており、朝の食事を抜くと、私たちは一日の後半に空腹になり、食べ過ぎを説得する可能性があり、ほとんどの場合、不健康なカロリーです。 これは望ましくないことにつながる可能性があります 重量 gain. Some health experts argue that this theory could be one of the many myths related to diet which has been conditioned into our brains by previous generations. The exact 健康 朝食の利点は、正確な答えがまだ見つかっていない継続的な議論です。


で公開された新しい体系的なレビューで ブリティッシュメディカルジャーナル、 researchers from Monash University, Melbourne have analysed breakfast data collected from previous 13 randomized controlled trials carried out in last several decades to make their assessment and come to a well-weighed conclusion. These trials had either looked at 重量 changes (gain or loss) and/or total daily calorie or energy intake by a participant.The participants in all these previous studies were mostly obese people from UK and USA.It was seen that individuals who consumed breakfast ate more calories throughout the day (average of 260 calories more) and thus their average 重量 gain was 0.44 kg more than the people who skipped their first meal. This is a surprise find as earlier studies have shown the complete opposite, i.e. skipping breakfast makes people feel hungrier later in the day due to the hunger hormones and this can make people consume more food as they would try to compensate for the loss of energy intake in the morning.

These 13 studies collectively suggest that, firstly,eating breakfast is not anassured way to lose 重量 and secondly, skipping this first meal of the day may not be linked to 重量 gain either.Surprisingly, the studies conclude that eating or skipping breakfast makes no difference to ether 重量 gain or loss. Only one particular study found that skipping breakfast can lead to more calorie burn and this can cause higher levels of inflammation in the body which can affect one’s health.

These previous studies provide suitable quality of evidencesthough they have limitations and several bias as they were conducted over an extremely short period of time. One of them was only a24-hour study and the longest was also only 16 weeks. These durations may not be enough to arrive to generalized conclusions. Around one third of people in developing countries skip breakfast almost on a regular basis. People who tend to skip breakfast are likely to be poor, less healthy and they would have an overall poor diet which could be responsible for their 重量 gain or loss.

朝食は、特に子供たちの成長期における集中力、注意力、健康のために、多くの健康上の利点のために推奨されています。 朝食の議論は続いており、少なくともXNUMXか月からXNUMX年続く質の高い研究は、朝食の役割の長期的な影響をよりよく理解するのに役立つ可能性があります。 体重管理。 健康的な食事と運動は全体的な健康にとって重要であり、栄養要件は個人によって異なります。




Sievert K etal。 2019.朝食が体重とエネルギー摂取量に及ぼす影響:ランダム化比較試験の系統的レビューとメタアナリシス。 英国医学ジャーナル。 364. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l42

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