

Study in mice shows that excessive long-term intake of dietary タンパク質 containing high amounts of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) can result in imbalance in amino acids and appetite control. This affects metabolic health and causes reduced lifespan.

健康な ダイエット should contain balanced amounts of macronutrients (タンパク質, carbohydrate and fats), fibres, vitamins and minerals. Numerous researches have focused on the importance of balanced amounts of dietary タンパク質, fats and carbohydrates for our good 健康。 私たちの食事におけるこれらの主要栄養素の比率の不均衡は、健康を害することが知られています。

タンパク質 is a complex macromolecule composed of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, of which nine are essential which can enable the body to make the remaining 11. The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are made up of three of the nine essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine and valine. Muscles, the main building block of the body are mainly composed of タンパク質. BCAAs are broken down in muscle, have high calories and are consumed for muscle mass they provide. BCAAs are present in タンパク質 foods like red meat, eggs, beans, lentils, soy タンパク質 etc. and are also commonly present in ボディービル タンパク質 supplements consumed after exercise or workout. Not enough studies have been done to evaluate the adverse effects of consuming excessive BCAAs. Their long-term effects on health and lifespan are still unknown.

に掲載された研究では 自然代謝 on April 29, 2019 researchers aimed to determine how manipulating long-term dietary BCAAs might have an effect on health and lifespan. In their experiments conducted on mice, the animals consumed for their entire life span either (a) normal amount of BCAAs i.e. 200 percent (b) half the amount i.e. 50 percent or (c) one fifth of the amount i.e. 20 percent. Alongside, mice were given isocaloric, fixed amounts of other macronutrients – carbohydrates and fat. Intake of excessive BCAAs led to high amounts of BCAAs in blood and this appeared to block transport of another non-BCAA tryptophan to the brain. Tryptophan is the sole precursor of hormone serotonin which has mood elevating effects and thus is crucial for promoting sleep. Once tryptophan was blocked from reaching the brain, this led to depletion of central serotonin levels resulting in excessive eating (or hyperphagia) in mice primarily due to the amino acid imbalance via increased ratio of BCAAs:non-BCAAs. Thus, mice overconsumed food (both total energy and BCAAs) – also called compensatory feeding – resulting in increased body weight and fat mass thus making them obese and shortening their lifespan.

この研究は、血中の循環BCAAのレベルの上昇と健康への悪影響との関係が、内因性のBCAAの毒性または有害性に関連していないように見えることを示しています。 この関係は、BCAAと他の重要なアミノ酸との相互作用によるものであり、これが極端な過食症を引き起こしたものでした。 結果は、一定量の他の主要栄養素と一緒に長期間食事性BCAAを大量に摂取すると、アミノ酸の不均衡によって引き起こされる過食症を引き起こし、代謝の健康に影響を与え、寿命を縮める可能性があることを示唆しています。 代謝的に健康なマウスと不健康なマウスの両方で大量のBCAAが発生する可能性がありますが。 したがって、BCAAだけが代謝の健康の唯一のバイオマーカーになることはできません。




Solon-Biet SM etal。 2019.分枝鎖アミノ酸は、アミノ酸バランスと食欲制御を介して間接的に健康と寿命に影響を与えます。 自然代謝。 https://doi.org/10.1038/s42255-019-0059-2

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