

Resistance to COVID-19 infection has been observed in health care workers and has been attributed to the presence of memory T cells that target the RNAを polymerase in the RTC (replication transcription complex), thereby preventing infection. This makes RNAを polymerase an important target for making a pan-coronavirus vaccine that will be effective against SARS-CoV-2 and its other variants of concern (VoC’s), but also against the family of コロナウイルス 一般的である。 

コロナ パンデミック is now almost 2 years old and has caused havoc among the world by disrupting world economy and halting the normal way of living. Millions have died and many more have been infected with the disease leading to high levels of morbidity. However, there have been instances where people have cleared the infection from the system so quickly that they didn’t test positive for the ウイルス or developed antibodies against it. This resistance has been attributed to the メモリ T cells-possibly those that are produced after exposure of the human system to such ウイルス

Swalding et al。によってNatureに発表された最近の研究では、発症のリスクが高い60人の医療従事者からの血液サンプル コロナ due to their exposure, were examined and found out to be negative for the ウイルス and for the antibodies against the virus1. It is hypothesised that pre-existing memory T-cells, with cross-protective potential against SARS-CoV-2, expand in vivo to provide rapid viral clearance, thus aborting infection. These T cells are directed against the RNAポリメラーゼ in the RTC (replication transcription complex), rather than any other structural protein of the ウイルス. These memory T cells could have been generated in the health care workers by being exposed to other respiratory or related corona ウイルス, albeit there is no direct evidence of the same. It is also possible that there were other environmental triggers that led to the generation of these T cells. In addition, these sero-negative individuals also showed an increase in IFI27, a protein indicative of abortive SARS-CoV-2 infection. IFI27 is an interferon alpha inducible protein that is overexpressed upon exposure to a variety of respiratory ウイルス, including SARS-CoV-2. This may also be responsible for viral clearance in individuals, pre-exposed to other respiratory ウイルス, and then infected with SARS-CoV-2. 

The fact that the memory T cells are directed against the RNAを polymerase (being the most conserved among the human コロナウイルス that cause common cold and SARS-CoV-2), makes this enzyme an important target to develop a pan-コロナウイルス vaccine that would not only be directed against SARS-CoV-2 and its other variants of concern (VoC’s) that have evolved as a result of mutations in the spike protein leading to more severe disease, but also against the family of Coronaviruses in general. 



Swadling、L.、Diniz、MO、Schmidt、NM etal。 既存のポリメラーゼ特異的T細胞は、血清反応陰性のSARS-CoV-2で増殖します。 ネイチャー(2021)。 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04186-8 


Rajeev Soni博士(ORCID ID:0000-0001-7126-5864)は博士号を取得しています。 英国ケンブリッジ大学でバイオテクノロジーの博士号を取得し、スクリップス研究所、ノバルティス、ノボザイムズ、ランバクシー、バイオコン、ビオメリューなどのさまざまな研究所や多国籍企業で、また米国海軍研究所の主任研究員として、世界中で25年の経験があります。薬物発見、分子診断、タンパク質発現、生物学的製造および事業開発において。








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