
SARS CoV-2ウイルスは実験室で発生しましたか?

There is no clarity on the natural origin of SARS CoV-2 as no intermediate host has been found yet that transmits it from bats to humans. On the other hand, there are circumstantial evidences to suggest a laboratory origin based on the fact that the gain of function research (that induces artificial mutations in the ウイルス through repeated passaging of ウイルス in human cell lines), was being carried out in the laboratory 

COVID-19 disease caused by SARS CoV-2 ウイルス has caused unprecedented damage to the entire 惑星 not only economically but also has caused psychological impacts on people that will take a long time to recover. Since its outbreak in Wuhan in November/December 2019, a number of theories have been put forward regarding its origin. The most common one refers to the wet market in 武漢 どこ ウイルス jumped species from bats to humans via an intermediate host, due to its zoonotic nature of transmission as was seen in SARS (bats to civets to humans) and MERS (bats to camels to humans) ウイルス1,2. However, in the past year or so, there has been no clarity on the intermediate host for the SARS CoV2 ウイルス. The other theory refers to the accidental leak of the virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) where the scientists were performing research on coronaviruses. In order to understand why the latter theory has gained significant popularity over the past year or so, one needs to dwell back into the events of the recent past, beginning 2011, to examine the nature of origin of such coronaviruses that could cause disease in humans. 

2012年、中国南部(雲南省)のコウモリが蔓延している銅山で働くXNUMX人の鉱山労働者がコウモリに感染しました。 コロナウイルス3, known as RaTG13. All of them developed symptoms exactly like COVID-19 symptoms and only three of them survived. The viral samples were taken from these miners and submitted to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the only level 4 biosecurity lab in China that was studying bat コロナウイルス. Shi Zheng-Li and colleagues from the WIV have been researching on the SARS CoV ウイルス そのようなコロナウイルスの起源をよりよく理解するための努力でコウモリから4。 WIVが機能獲得研究を実施したことが想定される5, that involved serial passaging of these ウイルス in vitro and in vivo in a bid to increase their pathogenicity, transmissibility, and antigenicity. This gain of function research is very different than genetically engineering the ウイルス to be more deadly in terms of their disease-causing ability. The idea behind funding and performing gain of function research is to remain a step ahead of ウイルス to understand their infectivity in humans so that we are better prepared as a human race should such eventuality arises.  

Thus, it is likely that the virus SARS CoV-2 made an accidental escape when it appeared in late 2019 in the city of Wuhan, although there is no concrete evidence of the same. The closest relative of this ウイルス was RaTG13 that was sampled from Yunnan miners. RaTG13 is not the backbone of SARS CoV-2 thereby refuting the theory that SARS-CoV-2 had been genetically engineered. However, the sampling of related SARS ウイルス for performing research and subsequent gain of function research (leads to induced mutations) perhaps led to the development of SARS CoV-2. Gain of function does not involve genetic manipulation via genetic engineering. The genome sequencing of the new ウイルス obtained from initial 5 patients that contracted COVID-19 showed that this virus was 79.6% identical to SARS virus6

Initially, the scientific world thought that the SARS CoV-2 ウイルス had jumped from animal species (bats) to an intermediate host and then to humans7 as was the case with SARS and MERS ウイルス as mentioned above. However, the inability of finding an intermediate host for the past 18 months has led to the conspiracy theory8 その ウイルス could have been accidentally leaked from the lab. It is also possible that the SARS CoV-2 ウイルス came from the repository of ウイルス already held in WIV9 として ウイルス was already well adapted to infect human cells. Had it been of a natural origin, it would have taken some time to cause the degree of transmissibility and lethality that it did. 

It still remains uncertain as to whether SARS CoV-2 had a natural origin or was man-made (gain of function leading to artificially induced mutations) which accidentally escaped from the laboratory. There is no hard evidence to support either of the theories. However, based on the fact that we haven’t been able to find an intermediate host for zoonotic transmission of this ウイルス coupled with the fact that the ウイルス was well adapted already to cause infection in human cells to a great extent and the associated research at WIV in Wuhan where the ウイルス originated, suggests that it is a product of gain of function research which escaped from the lab. 

Further evidence and investigation are required to establish a conclusive evidence not only to understand the origin of SARS-CoV2 ウイルス but also to ameliorate any such future accidents should they possibly arise in order to save mankind from the wrath of such viruses. 



  1. Liu、L.、Wang、T。&Lu、J。XNUMXつのヒトコロナウイルスの有病率、起源、および予防。 ビロル。 罪。 31、 94-99(2016)。 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12250-015-3687-z 
  1. Shi、ZL。、Guo、D。&Rottier、PJMコロナウイルス:疫学、ゲノム複製、およびそれらの宿主との相互作用。 ビロル。 罪。 31、 1-2(2016)。 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12250-016-3746-0 
  1. Ge、XY。、Wang、N.、Zhang、W。  廃坑のいくつかのコウモリコロニーにおける複数のコロナウイルスの共存。 ビロル。 罪。 31、 31-40(2016)。 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12250-016-3713-9 
  1. Hu B、Zeng LP、Yang XL、Ge XY、Zhang W、Li B、Xie JZ、Shen XR、Zhang YZ、Wang N、Luo DS、Zheng XS、Wang MN、Daszak P、Wang LF、Cui J、Shi ZL 。 コウモリSARS関連コロナウイルスの豊富な遺伝子プールの発見は、SARSコロナウイルスの起源への新しい洞察を提供します。 PLoSPathog。 2017年30月13日; 11(1006698):eXNUMX。 土井: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006698。 PMID:29190287; PMCID:PMC5708621。 
  1. Vineet D. Menachery et al、「循環するコウモリコロナウイルスのSARSのようなクラスターは、人間の出現の可能性を示しています」、NatMed。 2015年21月; 12(1508):13-XNUMX。 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.3985
  1. Zhou、P.、Yang、XL。、Wang、XG。  コウモリ由来の可能性のある新しいコロナウイルスに関連する肺炎の発生。 自然 579、 270–273(2020)。 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2012-7  
  1. Calisher C、Carroll D、Colwell R、Corley RB、Daszak P etal。 COVID-19と戦う中国の科学者、公衆衛生専門家、および医療専門家を支持する声明。 VOLUME 395、ISSUE 10226、E42-E43、07年2020月XNUMX日DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30418-9 
  1. ラスムッセン、ALSARS-CoV-2の起源について。 ナットメッド 27、 9(2021)。 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-01205-5
  1. 武漢ウイルス研究所、CAS、「アジア最大のウイルスバンクをご覧ください」、2018年、 http://english.whiov.cas.cn/ne/201806/t20180604_193863.html


Rajeev Soni博士(ORCID ID:0000-0001-7126-5864)は博士号を取得しています。 英国ケンブリッジ大学でバイオテクノロジーの博士号を取得し、スクリップス研究所、ノバルティス、ノボザイムズ、ランバクシー、バイオコン、ビオメリューなどのさまざまな研究所や多国籍企業で、また米国海軍研究所の主任研究員として、世界中で25年の経験があります。薬物発見、分子診断、タンパク質発現、生物学的製造および事業開発において。









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